More coffee mug recipes!

Pillows a la Mode suggested that if you’re trying to lose weight, you might want to bookmark her latest stack of coffee mug recipes for later.

Trying to lose weight?


Come back later?


So ten minutes later I was back.

Prudent Baby’s Cup of Coffee Cake in under 5 minutes?

Yes, of course!

Plus, will you look at that big-eyed owl mug?? Awwww….!

Coffee mug recipes: Chilaquiles

Gentle suggestion:

  1. Set out a whole bunch of coffee mugs and the ingredients for coffee cup chilaquiles.
  2. Find your crayons and copy this recipe nice and big so that everyone can read along.
  3. Put the oldest children in charge, then hum quietly to yourself while the mini concoctions are being concocted.

Kindly note that Pillows a la Mode labeled this post “More Coffee Cup Recipes“. Yes, she has more recipes! Go find them! (Any other Wichita Eagle readers out there?}

Got some ideas of your own? Pin ’em!

P.S. Do pull up a chair and join in over at Pillows a la Mode. So much good stuff there!

Try this chocolate cake in a coffee mug

Do you really need another 5-minute-chocolate-cake-in-a-mug recipe?

Why, yes, yes of course you do.

Because you really need to compare this version with the other recipes you’ve collected, yes?

Why, yes, yes of course, that’s what you need to do.

[Gallons more at InstructablesTV!]

P.S. This is a nearly instant DIY dessert at your next dinner party!