Make an I’m-Ready-for-Spring Garden

I was ready for spring a whole bunch of weeks ago.

Remember the Monster Cups? Set your kids of all ages to work making these I’m-Ready-for-Spring Gardens while you help me furiously hope for warmer temperatures.

1) Dig through your recycle piles for juice and milk cartons.  If you threw them out this morning, postpone the activity for a day or two while you replenish your supplies.

2) Cut off the tops of the cartons. How much? You’ll be putting in about 2.5-5.0 cm of dirt, so go for a container that’s about 10 cm tall.

3) Add the soil and plant some of your favorite vegetable seeds. Label your containers.

4) Moisten the soil. Moisten, not drench.

5) Cover with each garden with a plastic bag to help with the moisture, then put the little gardens in a happy sunny spot.

6) Check for moisture as the days go by. Start dreaming of your first salad or soup from these vegetables.

7) Some teachers may want to send the mini gardens home when the green shoots appear.  Keep them in the classroom if you can: easier for your school principal to understand and approve your urgent request for school-wide garden plots. (You *are* the school principal? Great! You know where to sign, right?)

No, this idea isn’t new, but Mudluscious has this cool way of making you think it is. Go get that book right now, please.