Bookworm Game

This book snake game is a manageable way to keep track of your summer reading list progress.

What you do:

1) Make a snake shape on a sheet of paper.

2) Divide the snake into segments for each book you will read.

3) You’ll need a few extra segments: every 5th segment or so plan a mini reward. You can hide these rewards under flaps, if you like surprises.

4) Write completed book titles on the segments.

Finished one snake? Make another!

Don’t do reading lists? Make it project snake! (Oh hey waidasec I could use one of those…….)

Happy reading!

P.S. Modify a tip from Trish Kuffner and plan activities for each day of your summer break. Include backup plans. Martha Stewart, of course, has at least 59 more kid-friendly summer activities for you. Go!