Riitta Ikonen Photography: Eyes as Big as Plates

Out of habit, I am drawn towards All Things Young Learners.

How we shape their future fascinates me.

For a moment, though, I think about my own future.

Some day I, too, will be ‘a wrinkly’, to borrow a term from a commenter.

Will someone come to put vegetation on my head and take amazing photographs?

I think I hope so.

Riitta Ikonen Eyes as Big as Plates

© Copyright of all images: Riitta Ikonen, 2013

[Riittai Konen: Eyes as Big as Plates, via and via ]

Steve McCurry: Power of Play

After you’ve had all of your thoughts provoked by photographer Steve McCurry’s post Power of Play, turn off all of your electronic gadgets and go outside to play with your family and friends.

And oh sorry, no photo: I couldn’t decide which photo I liked best! So scoot on over to see what a bazillion of us are trying to tell everyone else.


[Huge h/t to PlayGroundology!]

Top shelf, 3rd book from the middle, please.

One might be forgiven for hoping that all the books inside the library are as big as the books on the outside of the building.


On the outside of the library.

This Dutch library is in a neighborhood where the streets are named after 18th and 19th century Dutch poets and writers.

The 250 books on the building are ceramic.

The book titles come from the works of those poets and writers.

And if one is disappointed by the smaller size of the books inside the library, one may certainly be forgiven for squealing in unsuppressed delight because there are so many more of them inside!

Good Ideas For You 250 Books Stored on Building Facade in Amsterdam

[Good Ideas For You]

Iain Blake: Little Rocky Feet

The next time you trot the whole bunch outdoors for a Nifty Nature Walk, keep everyone’s eyes peeled for small stones and pebbles to make these rocky feet.

Make them and then strategically place them around your home.

Archaeologists excavating your home 1000 years from now will be thoroughly baffled.


Flickr: Iain Blake Rocky Feet

Don’t know much about flying kids

I honestly can’t quite remember how I got to this photo.

It’s been one of those odd weeks so far.

And if you can’t remember how your child got up there to put the topper on the tree, well, then no worries.

Smile and carry on.

Paul Wallace Flickr 48 52

[Paul Wallace on Flickr]

Maddie’s Possible Costume

To ghost or not to ghost, that is currently Maddie’s question.

Knock Knock, Trick or Treat! Who are you?

[Maddie makes me smile!]