Stop-motion Caterpillar Stuff

die-kleine-raupe-nimmersattYou’ve probably read Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar a few million times by now. (Eric Carle reads his book in German.)

Need a new project to add to your list of fun Caterpillar Crafts?  Make a stop-motion video!

First you need to make an origami caterpillar. (Oh boy there’s nothing bite sized about that diagram. Good luck.)

Then you make an origami butterfly. (via)

Lastly, you put it all together to make a stop-motion video. I have no idea how to do that.

Wow. This guy is good.

(Saaaay, did you know about the Very Hungry Caterpillar bedding collection? Now there’s a reasonable question: which children’s book do you want for your bedsheets? I want…)