Phonics Salad

Phonics and phood.


(Please. Indulge me…..)

You will need: salad ingredients, large bowl, salad spoons, salad dressing, pencil, paper

1) List all of the ingredients you can put into a salad.

2) Next, make a real salad using only ingredients that have a short vowel sound. For example suggest a salad with any or all of the following short vowel ingredients: apple, lettuce, radish, celery, mushroom, egg, asparagus, olive, bell pepper and broccoli.

3) Top the salad with a yummy short vowel sound dressing (French – yes, Italian – yes, blue cheese – no) and enjoy the finished product!

101 Reading Activities* suggests that it’s okay to just write down the ingredients if you don’t want to make a real salad.

I suggest you ignore that suggestion.

I suggest you take over the kitchen and make an entire salad bar. Call me when it’s ready, please.


*101 Reading Activities was published by Publications International, Ltd. It’s a great little book, but I can’t find it online anywhere.